Pedagogical Models & Methods

Conferenciante del simposio Emerging Models of Transdisciplinarity

Emerging Models of Transdisciplinarity. Driving Business, Technology & Design Innovation. This 2-day international symposium is open to designers, industry representatives and educators interested to take part in a pan-European network on the topic of transdisciplinarity in Design.

As professionals and society we are facing the pertinent question of what role design (and designers) will play in shaping the future at a time when digital economy is disrupting ways of thinking, living, working and doing business; how will this change the processes, products, methods and business of design? While technology has become an integral criteria to be factored into design thinking (and making); Design itself has become a driving force for technology development.

Ideas of «transdisciplinarity» are not entirely new; the situation in the last 10 years, however, has seen a radical change of the ‘impact’ of transdisciplinary thinking and methods. For example, «Design automation», «mass-customisation», «rapid prototyping» are among many other emergent transdisciplinary concepts where designer from various disciplines are cross-fertilizing ideas and methods that are not contained in any specific design domain and lead to innovations in distinct disciplines. 

The symposium will feature provocations, presentations, best-practice examples, and interactive moderated sessions with participation from across European automotive, industrial, fashion, architectural design, as well as design technology developers, design educators, as well as representatives from business organisations and networks across the design and innovation industries.

Session 1: CONFLUENCES: Changing role of design in a global context
Session 2: TRANSITIONS: Emerging Skills, Practices and Business Models 
Session 3: CONVERGENCES: Blurring Roles and Competences 
Session 4: PROSPECTIVES: Future Policies and Pedagogies 

Ficha técnica

Título: Pedagogical Models & Methods. DesignPass & IED Sapere
Ponente: Pedro Medina
Ciclo de conferencias: Emerging Models of Transdisciplinarity. Driving Business, Technology & Design Innovation
Ponentes: Anne Asensio, Riccardo Balbo, Richard Barrett, Ann Crawley, Gunnar Hartmann, Edward Hobson, Alfred Jacoby, Richard Koeck, David Philp, Tuba Kocaturk, Matthijs van Dijk, Marcel Vroom
Lugar: Design Council. 407 Saint John Street, London EC1V 4AB
Fecha: 25/10/2016

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